Post by REQUIEM Puroresu on Sept 26, 2023 13:40:33 GMT
If you could go back in time during your run in e-fedding, what's one loss you suffered that you would change?
Post by Brighamj96 on Sept 26, 2023 15:31:54 GMT
I say it a lot but that first World Title match from WiFC. I had all the momentum then I just languished in the mid-card for months afterward. It took me almost 2 years and a character change to get that title, by that point, the bloom was kinda off the rose.
Post by Aria Knight on Sept 26, 2023 15:46:21 GMT
I lost Tag Titles as EnC to Demolition. I got my win back in theory, but it's still on the title lineage. Haunts me to this day
Post by DS(Jessa Wells) on Sept 26, 2023 20:19:01 GMT
I know in the past I would have one, but now I cant think of any. Wins and losses from the past havent stuck with me. In my current runs Ive been happy either way because both have given me something to write. Not that I dont want to win, everyone wants to, its more its not my biggest focus when writing.
Also, i dont think Im awake enough to remember much of my efed history at the moment
Post by Cap on Sept 27, 2023 12:32:40 GMT
I think we know.
I don't remember who played Christopher Daniels though.
Post by wasabi on Sept 27, 2023 13:34:53 GMT
I feel like every loss I had was kinda fair and it's fun building on it. But I guess considering I just recently started improving in strides the one I would really wanna take back is Love Song of Violence from this year.
Not that I didn't think I should've won. I think I just stalled a little after. Which is fine it got me back on track for the lightspeed title match. So good with the bad. Y'know?